Fresh but larger in girth from the great American pastime of massive calorie infusions and days of leftovers (turkey sandwich/curried Turkey/cranberry yogurt surprise (don't ask) etc., let's see whassup around the old info-hangar.
Looking to e-gab with other light sport enthusiasts? There are some cool sites around with lots of hands-on topics such as training, maintenance, fun flying and more. Here are a couple I've come across that seem well-attended: Sport Pilot Talk and South Africa's AvCom with a look at Light Sport and GA flying in the southern Hemisphere
Lots of links here to tons of general LSA sites : Light Sport Aircraft HQ
Flight training resource guide: Pilot Journey
Experimental/homebuilt and light sport discussions (Jabiru and Rotax forums here): Wings Forum
BTW: Sebring's annual Light Sport Aviation Expo is kicking off Jan. 21-24, read all about this ever-growing LSA-exclusive show that kicks off the year's flying events.
Here's a nice general piece by Dan Pimentel, still timely, that looks at the Sport Pilot demographic on the Aircraft website.
A lively blog, Aviation Critic, has an interesting riff on our recent article on the ICON A5 plus lots of other cool topics.
The Big Daddy: Aviation Week has been around for longer than I can remember (I drew pictures from their photos in my teens in the '60s) and covers pretty much everything of global aviation import. For instance, here's a piece they just did on AVIC, the Chinese air defense monolith that includes Shenyang, the company that's making, you guessed it, Cessna's SkyCatcher!
Speaking of the C-162, the general press is catching on.
Stay tuned, there's more to come, flyfolk!